A core outcome set for prophylaxis and perioperative treatment of von Willebrand disease: The coreVWD initiative

Treatment options are expanding for von Willebrand disease (VWD). A core outcome set (COS)—a minimum set of agreed-upon outcomes to be used in every clinical trial for a given condition—provides guidance on which outcomes are most important to measure to ensure necessary data is collected for a variety of stakeholders and enable comparison across products and trials.

coreVWD aimed to develop a COS for trials for prophylaxis and perioperative treatments for VWD.

A modified Delphi consensus process was used to condense/prioritize a long list of potential outcomes. Over three Delphi rounds, a multi-stakeholder panel (patients, clinicians, pharmaceutical company representatives, HTA organizations, payer, and government organization representatives) rated each outcome from 1 (not important to include in a COS) to 9 (essential to include). Outcomes were eliminated or retained based on pre-determined criteria; a special provision to elevate patient priorities was included. An in-person consensus meeting was held after Delphi round 2.

Thirty-nine panellists participated. The final COS for prophylaxis treatment included 18 outcomes, seven of which are part of a special subset selected for women, girls and people with the potential to menstruate. There were 11 outcomes in the final perioperative branch COS. Six outcomes overlapped both COS.

The coreVWD COS represents a consensus list of outcomes for clinical trials for both factor and non-factor VWD therapies. These outcomes will be useful across the lifecycle of a product, from clinical development through regulatory and market access phases and into patient-provider decision-making.


Elizabeth Clearfield, Benjamin Kim, Sarah Ford, Nathan T. Connell, Maria E. Santaella, Michelle Lavin, Manon E. L. Degenaar-Dujardin, Emily Ayoub, Veronica H. Flood, Dawn Rotellini, Mark W. Skinner, Paula James, the coreVWD Panel


Journal: Haemophilia
Volume: 30
Issue: 6
Pages: 1357 - 1365
Year: 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/hae.15122

Further Study Information

Current Stage: Completed
Funding source(s):

Health Area

Disease Category: Blood disorders

Disease Name: congenital bleeding disorders, Haemophilia/hemophilia and other bleeding disorders

Target Population

Age Range: 18 - 120


Nature of Intervention: Any

Stakeholders Involved

- Clinical experts
- Patient/ support group representatives
- Pharmaceutical industry representatives
- Regulatory agency representatives

Study Type

- COS for clinical trials or clinical research


- Consensus meeting
- Delphi process
- Literature review
- Survey

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