The development of a fecal incontinence outcome set: an international Delphi study protocol

A mixed methodology will be used to develop a core outcome set for Fecal Incontinence (FI). We intend to involve three groups of main stakeholders for fecal incontinence: Doctors treating patients with FI (colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists, general practitioners), researchers who have performed intervention studies regarding FI and FI patients.
A COS will be developed through numerous steps as per the COMET initiative: a systematic review, semi-structured qualitative patient interviews, clinician and patient reported outcomes will be categorised into domains, 2-3 delphi rounds will be held to facilitate convergence towards consensus and a possible face-to-face consensus meeting will take place in case consensus has not been reached.
A COS for fecal incontinence will be generated at the end of the process.


Sadé Assmann

S.O. Breukink (Maastricht University Medical Center)
D. Keszthelyi (Maastricht University Medical Center)

Further Study Information

Current Stage: Ongoing
Date: May 2020 - May 2021
Funding source(s): None

Health Area

Disease Category: Gastroenterology

Disease Name: Fecal Incontinence

Target Population

Age Range: 18 - 120

Sex: Either

Nature of Intervention: Any

Stakeholders Involved

- Clinical experts
- Consumers (patients)
- Researchers

Study Type

- COS for clinical trials or clinical research


- Consensus meeting
- Delphi process
- Interview
- Systematic review

A COS will be developed through numerous steps as per the COMET initiative: a systematic review, semi-structured qualitative patient interviews, clinician and patient reported outcomes will be categorised into domains, 2-3 delphi rounds will be held to facilitate convergence towards consensus and a possible face-to-face consensus meeting will take place in case consensus has not been reached.
A COS for fecal incontinence will be generated at the end of the process.